Flexible Solutions. Precision Results.
AVMetrics combines technical skill with regulatory expertise to form the only completely independent specialist in the testing and application of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs).
AVMetrics offers:
- National and Regional AVM Testing and Validation
- Model Preference TablesTM
- Cascades
- AVM Benchmarking
- Best Practices, Policies and Procedures
- Expert Witness and Litigation Services

National/Regional AVM Testing and Validation
The foundation of AVMetrics’ services is its national AVM testing, done every quarter with a database of hundreds of thousands of recently purchased properties. AVMetrics can test non-commercial (internal) models against these benchmarks and provide detailed analysis of performance for ongoing improvement.
Model Preference TablesTM
Based on the national testing, our Model Preference Tables (MPTsTM) are built using a proprietary scoring algorithm. They can be scaled to specific geographical applications or AVM groups.

Built on our MPTs and integrating our analysis of variance (including Forecasted Standard Deviations), AVMetrics’ cascades can be custom built to incorporate each client’s specific business logic, including risk tolerances. The result is a purely custom cascade, optimizing AVM selection, minimizing risk and forecast error, fully compliant with Interagency Guidelines.
AVM Benchmarking
For institutions with internal statistical and modeling capabilities, we can provide all the data necessary to do their own testing and build their own preference tables and cascades. Week by week throughout the quarter, we gather residential sales data, scrub and dedupe it, submit it to all the commercial model builders for their value predictions. We combine it all into a single powerful database with which financial institutions can conduct their own analyses.

Best Practices, Policies and Procedures
AVMetrics’ expertise with Interagency Guidelines compliance enables us to create customized policies and procedures to satisfy compliance requirements with OCC 2010-42 and 2011-12. AVMetrics can evaluate business processes, assess the current use of AVMs and revise existing collateral policies and procedures to incorporate best practices and to meet current regulatory and investor guidelines.
Expert Witness and Litigation Services
AVMetrics has provided expert witness services and analysis in large-scale litigation, including case evaluation, strategy, education, research, reporting, deposition, and testimony.