ALLABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ« Back to Glossary IndexAn AVM Performance Metric that measures a combination of accuracy and precision. The percentage of properties for which the AVM fails to predict selling prices to within +/- (a given percentage, for example, +/- 10%).Related Articles:Glossary: Percent Predicted Error (PPE) BucketPrinciples for Calculating AVM Performance MetricsKennedy, Ecker and Isakson measure the accuracy of AVMs and their FSDs, demonstrating that most of the time FSDs underreport forecast error.AVM Testing and Evaluation using AVM Performance MetricsKennedy, Ecker and Isakson measure the accuracy of AVMs and their FSDs, demonstrating that most of the time FSDs underreport forecast error.« Back to Glossary Index